For easy and reliable marking
Modified marking tools and wood marking tags included in the CODIMEX wood marking system are designed to meet all your requirements, providing simple, reliable, and secure wood marking.
EKOSET CODIMEX consists of:
– Wood marking hammer
– Automatic tags holder
– Wood marking tags
– Ink cartridge T1 (optional)
– Ink cartridge T2 (optional)
– Container for 200 marking tags
Wood Marking Hammers
The CODIMEX wood marking hammers depending on the needs and the required level of security are available with various marking heads. Basic types are universal heads, designed to drive all available CODIMEX wood marking tags, cutter heads adapted for SPECIAL or COMPACT tags, heads with forestry code, or a combination of two types of heads into one code number and a cutting edge.
Wood Marking Hammer with a Standard Head
The hammer equipped with a standard head is designed for use with all types of wood marking tags.

Wood Marking Hammer with a Cutting Head
Such a head is equipped with a blade that cuts off the side of the marking tag together with the four hooks that attach the marking tag to the hammer, preventing the reuse of tags. In addition, the tag marked in this way is much more difficult to remove from the wood. The cutting head can be used with the SPECIAL or COMPACT tags.

Wood Marking Hammer with an Additional Code on its Head
This hammerhead is equipped with an additional forestry code number, which may be identified with the forestry number. During the marking process code number is stamped precisely near the plastic tag. For better visibility of the code number, it is recommended to use an ink cartridge T2 together with this head. This hammer head can be used with all types of marking tags, and it makes it difficult to reuse or replace a marking tag. Furthermore, such heads are also available with a cutting edge.

Comparison of the standard head to the code number head.
All hammers can be featured with an engraved logo or any graphical sign (on the other side of the hammerhead).

Automatic tag holder

The back of the automatic tag holder is designed in such a way that when all tags are used up, the empty pin becomes blocked and slides out only partially. Thus, allowing you to catch it and put it in a container. This prevents the pins from uncontrolled falling out in the forest.
The CODIMEX automatic tags holder facilitates the collection of empty tag pins, which helps to reduce the amount of waste in the forest.
This means that with an annual consumption of 20 million tags 500,000 plastic tag pins are left in the forest.
By using the automatic CODIMEX tag holder you prevent forest littering!
Ink Cartridge T1

The ink cartridge T1 is designed to stain the company’s logo on the forehead of logs. it enables fast, durable, contrasting, colorful wood marking. The replaceable ink cartridge is soaked in a special, waterproof ink available in three colors: black, green or red.
Ink Cartridge T2
Optional equipment is the ink cartridge T2 which is attached to the automatic tags holder outlet. It is used together with a hammer with a code number head. It is used to color the forestry number code, which when pressed is marked on the wood.
Container for 200 Marking Tags

The tag container is made of aluminum. It contains 5 compartments – each destined for 40 tags. Altogether 200 tags can be stored inside. The container is attached to the automatic tag holder.