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Wood marking tags

Wood marking tags used in daily work in forestry more »

Wood marking tools

Tools that meet all users expectations. Providing simple, reliable and safe wood marking. more »

Manual calipers

Our manageable and inexpensive tree and wood measuring manual calipers are irreplaceable tools for forestry measurement works. more »

Forest applications

Mobile applications that support wood registration system and accelerate and facilitate work with electronic calipers. more »

Smartphones, printers

Electronic devices used in daily work in forestry more »

Precision measuring equipment

Products for measuring height, increment, orientation in the field more »

Tapes for wood measuring

Self-measuring tape for measuring wood, tape cartridges, spare parts more »

Forestry marking sprays and crayons

Marking sprays and crayons used in forestry. more »

Simple tools

Simple tools used in forestry more »

Traps and pheromones

Pheromone traps and pheromones for forecasting and controlling harmful insects more »

Codimex Sp. z o.o.

01-493 Warszawa

Czerwonych Maków 12/33

+48(22) 861 94 45

+48(22) 861 94 46


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