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VoiceCaliper Forest Application

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VoiceCaliper app is an excellent tool that makes the forester’s work much easier! It enables voice recognition and registration of tree diameters measurement results on the user’s smartphone and export of obtained data to a computer. It significantly speeds up and simplifies work in the field. Offered in a set with a CODIMEX – C 40-150 cm caliper.


See how it works!

We offer VoiceCaliper mobile application in set
with CODIMEX – C caliper in the size of your choice.






Place your smartphone with the VoiceCaliper installed app on the movable arm of the CODIMEX – C caliper.


Find and open VoiceCaliper
mobile application.
Choice standing or lying
tree measurement. Choice
cm/m or in/ft. Click START
On the measurement screen,
enter a new forest address
or select one of
the existing ones.
On the More screen, check
the assistant settings and
the species and quality
parameters lists.
See list of species (part). Add a new species.

Start measuring by recording parameters and diameters in voice recognition mode:

You are not alone
in this job!
The virtual Voice Assistant
of the VoiceCaliper app
is with you
and she will help you.

Changing the height of a standing tree. Can be done in voice mode.
U (User): – Height
VA (Voice Assistant) confirms: – Height
U: – Twenty
VA: – Twenty
The screen displays
Height 20.0

Species change. Can be done in voice mode.
U: – Species
VA: – Species
U: – Pine
VA: – Pine
The Pine Species is displayed on the screen.

Diameter (DBH) measurement
The user reads the result on the caliper:
– Nineteen
VA confirms: Pine, nineteen point zero, saved.


If you prefer, you can
change the parameters
manually during the
See measurement results
by selecting the appropriate
document in the History tab.
Export measurement results
as a CSV file.
Tune commands,
parameters or numbers
if needed.
Select the item you want
to tune.
Perform tuning and save
the result.

Discover the possibilities of adapting the application to your needs!

Download the demo version of the application. Download and read the kit’s manual.


Download the demo version                       Download kit’s manual

The full version of the software is available after purchasing the CODIMEX – C caliper along with the application license key, which will be assigned to your device.
Attention! The license key (one-year subscription) is assigned only to one device – it is not possible to register the application on several devices using the same key.
Attention! To install VoiceCaliper app, remember:
– in the phone options, mark that you consent to installing applications from an unknown source (outside the Google Play store).

Contact us: codimex@codimex.com.pl




Contact form


Codimex Sp. z o.o.

01-493 Warszawa

Czerwonych Maków 12/33

+48(22) 861 94 45

+48(22) 861 94 46


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