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  • Providing reliable information about the harvesting, traders and institutions responsible.


  • For the legality of the harvesting process and control of chain of custody.


  • Providing reliable information for the buyer who wants to confirm the origin of wood.


  • Facilitation for EU Institutions and International Organization concerning control of the wood imported on the EU market.


  • Facilitation for the wood products producers to ensure all interested parties that their products are made from legally harvested wood.

Codimex Sp. z o.o.

01-493 Warszawa

Czerwonych Maków 12/33

+48(22) 861 94 45

+48(22) 861 94 46


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Soruşturmayı yürütmek ve siparişi tamamlamak amacıyla kişisel verilerimin işlenmesine izin veriyorum.
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